Written by Tana Fye

Well, I have certainly had one of those days that where you start out the day thinking it’s going to be an easy day, but then rapidly turns into a busy and stressful day.  Why?  Because people who have children together, but are no longer in a relationship, have a difficult time getting along.  This is certainly not a jab at people in these situations, as its completely understandable that it would be difficult for two people who were formerly involved in a romantic relationship or even married have a difficult time talking, relating, and working with one another after the breakup.  However, where there are children involved, it is necessary for the parents to talk, relate, and work with each other for the benefit of the child.

That’s why I was so happy when I stumbled across the blog of a colleague in Illinois, who also practices family law, that discussed these types of issues.  This article provides an overview of the topic of getting along with a former spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend.  As Kristy points out in that article, there are resources out there, including on about.com, ehow.com, ezinearticles.com, and a variety of other websites and books, to help people learn how to get along with and relate to their former spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend.

So remember, it’s important for the sake of your children (as well as to make sure that you don’t spend their college funds on attorney fees) to try to work out issues with the other parent, if possible.  And then, if you and the other parent are really not able to work out the issue, take it to your attorney for assistance and possibly new ideas.

One Reply to “Why Can’t Everyone Just Get Along?!?”

  1. Thank you SO much for the link and referral to my blog!

    It is hard to get along with the other parent. It is amazing how once we were so in love. And, now we can't stand the site of that very same person.

    Even worse, it can be hard to look at our child, and not see the other parent – the one who can make our blood boil.

    But, if only we can recall what it feels to hug our child when we are ready to strangle the other parent, maybe….just maybe, we can work things out.

    All we can do is try.

    Kristy Gosteli Helm, Attorney
    Gosteli Law Firm
    Salem, IL
    (855) 4IL-ATTY

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