Written by Leah Gleason

The Circle by Dave Eggers

This month, I have been reading a book called The Circle. It was made into a movie starring Emma Watson and Tom Hanks in 2018. I try to be a person that reads the book before I watch the movie. While I have not watched the movie, I thoroughly enjoyed the book. It took me a minute to get into it at first. However, once I got into it, it was amazing! I would highly recommend reading this book. It very much reminded me of Big Brother from George Orwell’s 1984. This book follows Mae who just started working at the Circle. The Circle is like if Google, Amazon, and Facebook took over all social media, medical research, and basically everything in the world. This book made me very uncomfortable with how the world might change in the future with the advancements in technology. Without going into too much detail, this book should also make you uncomfortable. I would highly recommend reading this book. On to the movie I suppose!